Vehicles and Batteries are classed as Hazardous waste and therefore you, as a business, need to be registered as a Hazardous Waste Producer to bring them in to our yard for scrapping – You can find more details on the Natural Resources Wales website (see link below) or feel free to ask us about how you can register as a Hazardous Waste Producer (or use the link below to register with Natural Resources Wales).
If you have already registered as a Hazardous Waste Producer please bring your registration number with you when you bring your hazardous waste.
We will produce a Hazardous Waste Consignment note for your waste and forward a copy to you by email and also submit the consignment to the relevant Natural Resources Wales department.
As of 1st April, all Hazardous Waste Consignments will incur a £10 admin fee to cover the cost of submitting the Consignment note with Natural Resources Waste.
More Details of Hazardous Waste Consignments can be found here:-
You can register as a Hazardous Waste Producer here.
It costs £18 to register as a Hazardous Waste Producer online and you will need your business details, i.e. business name and address, and also your business SIC code.
If you would require more details or clarification please contact Eirian on 07796397620.
PLEASE NOTE that we DO NOT ACCEPT Electric Powered Vehicles
For more information click below